Department Of Spine Surgery

Spine Surgery

Spine surgery is a medical procedure that aims to alleviate chronic back or neck pain in patients. It involves treating or removing herniated discs, addressing vertebral fractures, spinal stenosis, and removing bone spurs, depending on the case.

Spine Treatment At JeevanJyoti Hospital

Lower Back Pain: The lower part of the spine is referred to as the lumbar region. Pain in this area, known as lower back pain, is a common medical issue worldwide.

Whiplash (Neck sprain/strain): Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by a quick, forceful back and forth movement, similar to the cracking of a whip.

Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis is a condition where one of the lower vertebrae slips forward onto the bone directly below it, typically impacting the lower spinal vertebrae.

Sciatica: Sciatica is a type of nerve pain caused by compression of a nerve in the lower back, typically resulting from a herniated or slipped disk.

Slip Disk:A slipped or herniated disk is a common and often debilitating condition. It is caused by wear and tear, which can lead to the displacement of the intervertebral disc.

Spinal Gracture:A fracture in the spinal column affects the vertebrae. Different types of spinal fractures include compression, burst, flexion-distraction, and fracture-dislocation.

Spinal Deformity:A spinal deformity is a deviation from the natural curvature of the spine. Common types of spinal deformities include Scoliosis, Kyphosis, and Lordosis.

Spinal Infection: Spinal infections are a rare but serious form of illness caused by the invasion of bacteria, fungi, or viruses into the spinal tissue.

Spinal Tumors: Spinal tumors are an abnormal growth of tissue within or surrounding the spinal cord, which can either be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

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