Department Of Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant


Liver transplantation is a procedure in which a diseased liver is removed and replaced with a healthy one. We offer liver transplantation for adults and children using both live-related donors and cadaver donors. Sahyadri Hospitals has established a state-of-the-art Centre for Organ Transplant in Pune, with the goal of making transplants affordable and accessible to all. In a short period of time, it has gained recognition as one of the most trustworthy liver transplant centers in Western India.

Why liver is an important organ of the body?

The liver, a crucial organ, plays a vital role in the digestion and conversion of food into energy, as well as in the defense against infection and blood purification.

How lifestyle can affect health of liver?

The liver is impacted by the frequent consumption of alcohol, which has become a part of our lifestyle, whether consumed as a status symbol or as a stress-coping mechanism. The continuous stress on the liver caused by alcohol can result in significant damage over time.

What are the different Liver Diseases?

The most common liver diseases include cirrhosis, viral hepatitis (such as Hepatitis A, B, and C), fatty liver disease, and disorders caused by alcohol consumption.

What is liver transplant and why is it done?

In simple terms, a liver transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces a damaged or diseased liver with a healthy one from a donor. In adults, the most common reason for a liver transplant is cirrhosis, which is caused by various diseases that destroy healthy liver cells and replace them with scar tissue.

What are the types of liver transplants?

There are two types of liver transplants: living donor and deceased donor transplants. In a living donor liver transplant, a portion of the liver is removed from a living donor and transplanted into the recipient, typically taking 6 to 8 weeks for the liver to regenerate. In a deceased donor liver transplant, the donor is a person who has suffered brain damage and has been declared brain dead and legally dead.

How much time is needed for patient to recover after liver transplant?

The recovery period for a liver transplant ranges from 1 to 2 weeks. To ensure proper function of the new liver, proper care, follow-up and long-term medication are necessary.

Can liver grows back to normal after the transplant?

Yes, within 12 weeks of the transplant, the liver will have fully regenerated to its normal size.

What does JeevanJyoti Hospital has in offering for Liver care?

JeevanJyoti Hospital has an A-Z Liver Wellness Clinic that specializes in managing all types of liver-related diseases, including those of the pancreas, bile ducts, and gall bladder. It offers cutting-edge facilities for liver, kidney, and pancreas transplants, and has a dedicated team of specialists available 24/7, including hepatologists, critical care physicians, and liver transplant surgeons. The clinic also has a well-equipped intensive care unit with specialized nurses, physiotherapists, and nutritionists.


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