Department Of Emergency Care, CCU & ICU

Emergency Care

At Jeevan Jyoti Hospital, 24×7 care is provided to all our patients, keeping in mind patient dignity and ethical practice. Holistic care is ensured by our team of critical care experts who use a multidisciplinary approach. The emergency care department,CCU, and ICU at Jeevan Jyoti Hospital are fully equipped with all basic facilities at affordable charges. Apart from this we have :


  • Trauma unit back by the qualified emergency physician and intensive care specialist
  • Fully equipped ICU on wheels ambulance
  • Accident/trauma care
  • Best trauma ICU in the city with all emergency facilities and good equipment
  • 5 beds in the Emergency department including isolation rooms and procedure rooms
  • Dedicated emergency operation theatre
  • Dedicated portable USG machine and HD monitor in ICU to guide bedside procedures
  • High end negative pressure isolation rooms to cater communicable diseases like H1N1
  • Positive pressure isolation rooms to handle neutropenic patients and burn patient
  • 24×7 critical care specialists
  • 24×7 CT, USG facilities
  • 24×7 pathology and microbiology
  • 24×7 well trained physiotherapist and dietitian for rehabilitation and catering to special dietary needs
  • 24×7 well trained and experienced staff

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