Department Of Anaesthesiology



Anaesthesia forms an important component of any surgical procedure and proper pre and post anaesthetic evaluation is very important for any successful surgical procedure. JeevanJyoti Hospital has a fully equipped Anaesthesiology department with 24×7 availability of skilled & dedicated anaesthetist which ensures you the highest degree of care with emphasis on patients safety & satisfaction.

Services that we offer

We utilize the most recent and secure anesthesia drugs to ensure top-notch patient care. Our monitoring system, including the following types of monitors, tracks the patient’s condition and reactions during the procedure:

  • Capnography: This monitor assesses the partial pressure of carbon dioxide during exhalation, providing the doctor with crucial information about the patient’s condition in the case of respiratory distress, shock, or cardiac arrest.
  • Pulse oximeters: This is a non-invasive and painless test used by doctors to monitor oxygen levels in your blood. It accurately detects even minor changes in the amount of oxygen being transported to your heart.
  • Electrocardiograph: An electrocardiogram monitors both heart rhythm and rate, providing early warning of any changes in electrical activity.
  • Respiratory gas monitors: These monitors display a waveform based on the calculated respiratory rate, enabling the determination of oxygen levels in the blood.

Furthermore, the hospital offers invasive monitoring options such as cardiac output and arterial blood pressure for critically ill patients and those undergoing major surgeries. Our operating rooms are fully equipped with infusion pumps to deliver the precise rate and amount of drugs required during surgery. We offer regional or general anesthesia or a combination of both, using the latest block placement techniques, either through single shot or catheter methods.

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