JeevanJyoti Hospitals Limited Privacy and Security Policy

JeevanJyoti Hospitals Private Limited (“JHPL”) welcomes you to its website and looks forward to a meaningful interaction with you. JHPL provides the Services in partnership with its agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, representatives or other third parties (together referred to as “Partners”)

This privacy policy also explains how we collect, use, share and protect personal information about the Users of the Services. We created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our commitment to the protection of your privacy and your personal information. Your use of and access to the Services is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

The terms ‘You’ or ‘Your’ refer to you as the User (registered or unregistered) of the Website and/or Services and the terms ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ refer to JHPL.


This Privacy Policy is published in compliance with (i) Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000; and (ii) Regulation 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal information) Rules, 2011 (“SPI Rules”)

This Privacy Policy states the following:

A. The type of information collected from the Users, including sensitive personal data or information;

B. The purpose, means and modes of usage of such information; and

C. How and to whom we will disclose such information.


Generally some of the Services require us to know who you are so that we can best meet your needs. When you access the Services, we may ask you to voluntarily provide us with certain information that personally identifies you or could be used to personally identify you. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, information collected by us from you may include (but is not limited to) the following:

A. Contact data (such as your email address and phone number);

B. Demographic data (such as your gender, your date of birth and your pin code);

C. Data regarding your usage of the services and history of the appointments and other transactions made by or with you through the use of Services;

D. Health or medical data (such as your past medical history and conditions, diagnostic reports, prescriptions and medication history)

E. Insurance data (such as your insurance carrier and insurance plan); and

F. Other information that you voluntarily choose to provide to us (such as information shared by you with us through emails or letters, your work details, your family details)

The information collected from you by us may constitute ‘personal information’ or ‘sensitive personal data or information’ under the SPI Rules. Personal information is defined under the SPI Rules to mean any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with a body corporate, is capable of identifying such person.

The SPI Rules further define “sensitive personal data or information” of a person to mean personal information about that person relating to:

A. Passwords;

B. Financial information such as bank accounts, credit and debit card details or other payment instrument details;

C. Physical, physiological and mental health condition;

D. Sexual orientation;

E. medical records and history;

F. Biometric information;

G. Information received by body corporate under lawful contract or otherwise;

H. visitor details as provided at the time of registration or thereafter; and

I. Call data records

Information that is freely available in the public domain or accessible under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law will not be regarded as personal information or sensitive personal data or information.


By choosing the Opt-In option on the Website and thereafter, by providing us your personal information or availing services of JHPL or by making use of the facilities provided by the Website, it is agreed by you that you have, freely consented to the collection, storage, processing, disclosure and transfer of your Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy and any amendments thereof.

You acknowledge that you have provided your Personal Information out of your free will and after understanding how it will be used. You also consent that the collection, storage, processing, disclosure and transfer of any Personal Information shall not cause any wrongful loss to you, if it is done in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. However, we shall not be liable for any loss that may happen to you owing to the provision of wrongful Personal Information by You. 


Once you have freely consented to share your Personal Information with JHPL, you authorize us to exchange, transfer, share, part with all or any of your Personal Information with our associates/ affiliates / agents / third party service providers / partners / banks and financial institutions or any other persons, for the Purposes specified under this Policy or as may be required by applicable law.


We may store temporary or permanent ‘cookies’ on your computer. You can erase or choose to block these cookies from your computer. You can configure your computer’s browser to alert you when we attempt to send you a cookie with an option to accept or refuse the cookie. If you have turned cookies off, you may be prevented from using certain features of the Website. In the course of serving advertisements or optimizing services to its Users, JHPL may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on the User’s browser/device. JHPL does not store personally identifiable information in the cookies. Further, JHPL does not exercise control over the sites displayed as search results or links from within its Services. These other sites may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you, for which JHPL are not responsible or liable. JHPL encourages you to read the privacy policies of all external sites.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We have adopted reasonable security practices and procedures including role-based access, password protection, encryption etc. to ensure that the Personal Information collected is secure. We restrict access to your Personal Information to our and our affiliates’ employees, agents, third party service providers, partners, and agencies on a need to know basis and in relation to the Purposes as specified above in this Policy.

While we will endeavour to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep secure any information which we hold about you and prevent unauthorized access, you acknowledge that the internet is not 100% secure and that we cannot provide any absolute assurance regarding the security of your Personal Information. We will not be liable in any way in relation to any breach of security or unintended loss or disclosure of information caused by us in relation to your Personal Information.


During your interactions with us, it may happen that we provide/include reference to third parties, and/or links and hyperlinks of third party websites. It may also happen that you include links and hyperlinks of third party websites. The reference of such third parties or listing of such third party external sites (by you or by us) does not imply endorsement of such party or site by JHPL. Such third parties and third party sites are governed by their own terms and conditions. We do not make any representations regarding the availability and performance of any of the third parties or third party sites. We are not responsible for the content, terms of use, privacy policies and practices of such third party websites.


JHPL will retain your information for as long as your account with the Services is active and as needed to provide you the Services. We shall not retain such information for longer than is required for the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used or is otherwise required under any other law for the time being in force.


If you need to update or correct your Personal Information, you may send updates and corrections to us at and we will take all reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes within a reasonable period of time.